Saturday, November 08, 2014

ICATESCA 2014研討會,Bangkok, Thailand

ICATESCA 2014研討會於十一月八、九兩日於泰國曼谷的Rembradt hotel舉辦,主辦單位為 Institute of Information System & Research Center  (IISRC),它是一個有關數位學習系統發展的一個研究機構。我在研討會的前一天十一月七日就啟程至曼谷。這是我第一次造訪這個號稱是亞洲最迷人的都市之一。目前泰國的政治局勢穩定,路上到處都可見來自世界各國的觀光客。曼谷的國際化程度頗高,到處都可見英文之招牌與提供英文解說的服務。

我發表的主題為科技部支助之研究計畫,主題為” Exploring civil servants’ decisions to use Web 2.0 tools for learning based on the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior”,我的發表排在十一月八日的早上的第二場次,第一位發表者為來自澳洲墨爾本大學的Wanamina Waehama,他是留學澳洲的泰國人,他所發表的主題為Factors in the Adoption and Use of Information and Communication Technology in a Thai Government Department: Practical Implications for e-Government in Thailand,他的研究裡面提到了Unified Theory of Acceptance of use of Technology(UTAUT)理論,這與我研究所提到的理論有著相似的發展脈絡。

我的發表內容主要介紹利用Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB)模式所發展出的問卷來對地方行政研習中心公務員,使用WEB 2.0學習的工具後的態度,本研究除了強化理論與實務的驗證性外,也根據研究結果提供教育訓練單位了解公務員對於Web 2.0工具的態度與行為意圖。在我演講完後,有人向我提問目前台灣使用數位學習於教育訓練的情況,以及所使用平台的使用性設計議題。



Thursday, November 06, 2014

Birthday celebration

Today is my 45th birthday.  I was busy in preparing presentation slides for the conference I am going to attend in Bangkok.  My wife bought a cake for me, and my kids and mother sang a birthday song for me.  My kids also gave me a kiss.  It was a really en joyful moment. Yesterday, I went to visit the old house where my parents lived.  When I entered the living room, I tried to recall things that I interacted with my father while living together in this lovely home. Suddenly, I decide to write my father's life story.  It should be a meaningful work that I can do for my father.  My father wrote many people's life story, but he never did it for himself.  I am not a good in writing story, but I will try to do it.  My goal is to write 10000 characters, and this will be a tribute to my father. Lord, please help me to finish this project.