Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012,再見2012

The year of 2012 inscribes a mark in my heart. I will not forget many things happened in this year. One of the most important person in my life, My father, passed away in this year. I was in hospital to accompany with my father in the Chinese new year eve. Although I knew I might lost him soon at that day, I did my best to make him happy and spent time to stay with him as possible as I could. I felt some regrets, but I know I did try my best to support and help him. Farewell 2012. Thanks for brought many joys and sadness to me that enriched my life experience. May God bless my family members all the best in the new year. Health and happy all the time.
The last sunset of the year of 2012. Picture was taken outside my study room.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My son's Xmas party performance. 彥丞耶誕晚會表演

2012年12月22日伯士鹿幼兒園耶誕晚會熊熊班之表演,彥丞賣力的演出,比起去年較能放開,也比較活潑。 全家出動為他助陣,享受歡樂的氣息。

Thursday, December 13, 2012

San Francisco state univeristy alumini dinner at Hyatt hotel Taipei

San Francisco State University President Leslie Wong hosted a reception dinner for SF state alumini at Hyatt hotel Taipei.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

寶島時代村(Formosa Village)

with my daughter女兒與我,兒子在旁邊。

Sunday, December 02, 2012


2012/12/2 瀞苡與我帶彥丞、彥蓁一齊前往參觀在垂楊國小的KCT博美犬暨多犬種聯合展覽比賽與嘉義市東市場買菜,兄妹倆,尤其是彥蓁對於菜市場的東西、人們間的互動都感到特別的有興趣。